Primaries in Eleven States; Jobs Lost and Found in the Gulf Oil Debacle; SUV Sales Up; Women in Blue Collar Jobs Listen Download Embed Share Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Share this via Email Top of the Hour: Primary Day, This Morning's Headlines Of Labor and Incumbency: Primaries in Arkansas, Nevada China Defends Internet Censorship @BP, but not THAT BP: One Twitter User's Nightmare In Curtis Flowers Murder Case, Can Justice Be Served? Toolbelts and Hard Hats: The Road to Female Financial Freedom? Top of the Hour: Gulf Coast Jobs, This Morning's Headlines Oil Cleanup Jobs Help Gulf for Now, But What Comes Later? Stephen Strasburg Makes His MLB Debut Listeners Respond: Should BP's CEO Resign? Helen Thomas Retires after Nearly 50 Years as White House Correspondent President Obama's Harsh Words on BP Election Preview: Local Primaries Get Tea Party Push Ex-Hacker Turns in Army Specialist for Leaking Video to Wikileaks Produced by PRI and WNYC