In a week-long series, The Takeaway explores the experience of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through the first-hand accounts of American veterans, their spouses, and their children. This series provides a multifaceted look at the medical, historical, and literary perspectives on PTSD. The Takeaway also hears from the sociologists and psychologists working to treat the condition, and we hear testimony of veterans around the country to examine the collective experience of PTSD.
This week The Takeaway is exploring the individual and collective experience of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in America. Corporal Jeffrey Lucey served in Iraq between January...
While the trauma facing veterans returning home may be an individual experience, on some level, are we all going to experience PTSD collectively as a nation? Mary de Young is a Profes...
Years after the Vietnam War, PTSD is now a household term. Mary McGriff is a retired Captain in the United States Air Force. She served at Balad Air Force base in Iraq in 2004. Dougla...
The stress of war lingers not just with our veterans but with their families as well. Take Vivian Greentree, Director of Research and Policy for Blue Star Families, for example. Vivia...
This week we're exploring the individual and collective experience of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD in America as we enter the long aftermath of two wars in Afghanistan and I...
In this first installment in The Takeaway's series on post-traumatic stress disorder—commonly referred to as PTSD—we look at the disorder through multiple lenses. Former Marine and au...