Today's Takeaway: Day Two of Supreme Court Health Care Hearings, the President Embraces "ObamaCare" and the One Month Anniversary of Trayvon Martin's Death Listen Download Embed Share Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Share this via Email Top of the Hour: Supreme Court Continues Hearings, Morning Headlines Day Two: The Supreme Court and Health Care One Month Anniversary of Trayvon Martin's Death Marked by Protests and New Facts in the Case Call to Secure Nuclear Material at Seoul Summit Doctors Debate the Individual Mandate Top of the Hour: Syria Accepts UN Plan to End Bloodshed, Morning Headlines Ohio Attorney General Explains Why He Joined Suit Against Affordable Care Act President Embraces "ObamaCare" Suicide Attack Reportedly Averted in Afghanistan Syria Accepts UN Plan that Includes Daily Ceasefire Moynihan Report Still a Source of Controversy Produced by PRI and WNYC