Today's Takeaway: GOP Debates Foreign Policy Listen Download Embed Share Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Share this via Email Top of the Hour: Pakistan Appoints New Ambassador to US, Morning Headlines GOP Candidates Debate Security and Foreign Policy Bank Exec Blames Federal Regulators For Fiscal Crisis Not All Egyptians Protesting in Tahrir Square Pakistan's Ambassador to the US Resigns Kenneth Branagh on Playing Olivier in 'My Week with Marilyn' Top of the Hour: UN Condemns Egypt Crackdown, Morning Headlines Food Banks Can't Keep Up With Demand Movie Date: 'Hugo,' 'My Week with Marilyn,' 'The Muppets' When is Pepper Spray the Only Option? Real Life 'Budget Heroes' Tackle Federal Debt A Historical Tour of the Thanksgiving Table UN Condemns Egypt as Protests Enter Fifth Day Produced by PRI and WNYC