Today's Takeaway: Libyan Rebels Overtake Tripoli Listen Download Embed Share Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Share this via Email Top of the Hour: Rebels Sweep Tripoli, Morning Headlines Libyan Rebels Overtake Tripoli The Implications of a Post-Gadhafi Libya This Week's Agenda: Libyan Rebels Overtake Tripoli, Obama Prepares Jobs Speech Libyans React to Rebel Uprising in Tripoli Ramadan Rules: An Exception for Revolutions? Top of the Hour: International Criminal Court Wants to Try Gadhafi's Son, Morning Headlines Libyan Rebels Battle for Control of Tripoli PJ Crowley on the United States' Role in Rebuilding Libya Tensions Between Egypt and Israel Show Emerging Dynamic Hope in Tripoli Despite Continued Fighting Tripoli Falls to Anti-Gadhafi Rebels Two Libyan-Americans React to News Out of Tripoli The Arab World Reacts to Gadhafi's Fall John Burns on Libya's Present and Future Produced by PRI and WNYC