As Drawdown Begins, Military Families Assess War Listen Download Embed Share Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Share this via Email Top of the Hour: Crackdown in Syrian City of Hama, Morning Headlines A Syrian-American in Chicago Fights for Democracy in his Homeland Your Take: Defining 'My America' on Independence Day This Week’s Agenda: Unemployment, the Debt Ceiling, and Political Progress? Minnesota Shutdown Affecting Local Businesses My America: Alexandra Pelosi and Michiel Vos Top of the Hour: Questions on Afghan Troop Drawdown Continue, Morning Headlines International Ripple Effects of US Military Drawdown in Afghanistan Celeste Headlee Shares Her Summer Reading List A Military Family Awaits the Afghanistan Drawdown Audio Essay: From 1776 to 2011, America to Arab Spring Summer Music: Ryan Tedder's Mixtape Produced by PRI and WNYC