KSM to Be Tried by Military Panel; Investigating Airline Safety Listen Download Embed Share Share this on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Share this on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Share this via Email Top of the Hour: 9-11 Trial Moves to Gitmo, Morning Headlines How to Prosecute a Terrorist In Crisis, Federal Reserve Bailed Out Failing Banks US Shifts Position in Push for Yemen President to Step Down 'Sweet Micky' Martelly Set to Become Haitian President How Arabic Science Gave Us the Renaissance Top of the Hour: Regulating Airplanes, Morning Headlines Reassessing Airline Maintenance How to Brand Obama 2.0 Ivory Coast: Gbagbo Negotiating his Surrender Nuns to Protest Goldman Sachs Julia Child and Paul Child: The Spy Years Haiti's Election, Fundraising from the US Dramatic Developments in a Divided Ivory Coast Produced by PRI and WNYC