The Experiment

Hosted by Julia Longoria

The Experiment, a show about people navigating our country's contradictions.


SPAM: How the American Dream Got Canned

A three-part series from The Experiment about food, work, and family, told through the history of the canned meat.

  • El Sueño de SPAM

    Feb 17, 2022
    Thirty years after the Hormel strike, a mysterious disease spreads among SPAMtown’s new workforce.
  • Cram Your SPAM

    Feb 10, 2022
    How SPAM built a town—and tore it apart
  • Uncle SPAM

    Feb 3, 2022
    In World War II, the American Dream was exported across the world, one SPAM can at a time.
  • SPAM on the Range

    Jan 27, 2022
    The Experiment presents a new, three-part miniseries: SPAM: How the American Dream Got Canned. New weekly episodes start February 3.