BROOKE GLADSTONE: And now an update. Last month, we reported that the widely-admired TV anchorman Leonid Parfyonov was fired from the nominally-independent NTV network in Moscow for airing an interview with the widow of a Chechen leader murdered by Russian security services. At the time, Fred Weir, of the Christian Science Monitor, told us to keep our eye on Savik Schuster, host of NTV's freewheeling political news program Svoboda Slova --Freedom of Speech. This week, that program died. And there was another death in Moscow. A real one. The murder last Friday of the editor in chief of Forbes Russia, Paul Klebnikov He was American, of Russian descent. An investigative reporter who firmly believed, his friends say, in a better future for Russia. It is very rare that an American reporter is murdered in Russia, but it's all too common these days for the native-born. The New York Times noted that 14 journalists have been shot since Vladimir Putin became president. Not one of the murders has been solved. [MUSIC]