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< February 2020

Monday, February 17 2020

  • Bonny Light Horseman Takes New Look at Old Folk Songs February 17, 2020

    Bonny Light Horseman&nbsp;are singer-songwriter Ana&iuml;s Mitchell, Eric D. Johnson, and Josh Kaufman. The&nbsp;band&nbsp;sings ancient love songs of timeless humanity and heartbreak, in-studio.&nbsp; (episode)

  • Weekly Music Roundup: Digawolf and CocoRosie February 17, 2020

    Week of Feb. 17:&nbsp;This week, the return of sister act CocoRosie, new music by&nbsp;Canadian Indigenous band Digawolf , and a sci-fi requiem for humanity by the late J&oacute;hann J&oacute;hannsson.&nbsp; (article)