Caitlin Thompson

Caitlin Thompson is's executive editor, and oversees the Empire Recap PodcastSoundcheck and produces Duplicast and the Mad Men Pre-Game Show. She was WNYC's political editor during the 2012 election, graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism and is the titleholder of the women’s tennis team’s pizza eating contest. Thirteen slices.

During the 2012 election, she served as WNYC's political editor, overseeing the award-winning interactive site It's A Free Country as well as the New York political blog The Empire.

Caitlin covered the 2006 and 2008 elections for The Washington Post, where she produced the daily Post Politics Podcast and Citizen K Street, an investigative series on the rise of lobbying. From there, Caitlin went on the campaign trail for TIME, where she profiled the McCain campaign’s resurgence in New Hampshire, the Barackstar effect and how to eat a Huckaburger, among other stories. Caitlin graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism and is the titleholder of the women’s tennis team’s pizza eating contest. You can follow her on Twitter @caitlin_thomps.