Aug 19, 2010

Panta Rei

Greek philosopher Heraclitus said 'Panta Rei', which means 'all things flow'. Rheology ('flow'-ology) is the study of viscoelastic materials like Jello that are a little bit liquid and a little bit solid. But even the most liquid of liquids have some solid character. And even the most solid of solids have some liquid character. Take those beautiful stained glass windows in gothic cathedrals. For a long time it was thought that these windows are thin at the top and thick at the bottom as a result of centuries of slow viscous flow. As it turns out, it would take much more than centuries for glass to flow (see comments below).

But as we saw in our show (So-Called) Life, scientific observation soon turns to manipulation. In the world of biomechatronics, scientists are using 'magnetorheologic' fluids to emulate the complex motions of human limbs to help victims of trauma, disease or birth defects.

Watch the closely related 'ferrofluid' in action below.

Reflecting on Heraclitus' statement, Marcus Reiner, one of the fathers of modern rheology said 'Everything will flow. You just have to wait long enough.'

Tell us what's begun to flow in your life..

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